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Product Research

Product Research

Product research involves understanding the complete cycle of product- starting from product forms, raw material purchases to product•s availability in the market. We use four tools to determine how sales of the product can be increased. Usually factors such as cheap imports, price competitiveness, trade & market policies scale down the sales of a product;however, there might be other factors like consumer preference and technology, which can considerably affect sales of products.
Global view of product enables to understand position in the market, and builds a clear perception of how the situation of low sales or deteriorating demand can be dealt with.
Our research pivoted at global scenario, gives a 360 degree view of current position of the product in the market and what would a possible solution to reposition the product in the given market situation.
We also offer exclusive economic studies on products and markets, as might be required by our clients.

Steps involved in BIS Registration Procedure

Step 1

Submit Application

Step 2

Testing of products in BIS Approved Lab

Step 3

Offline Submission (Hard copy) of Application

Step 4

Scrutiny of Application & Report by BIS Officials

Step 5

Grant of Licence

Project Timeline

BIS Registration within 30 working days